The Constitutional Carry bill (H3096) passed the 2nd reading on the House floor. It was amended with what was named the "Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act." The current, amended version can be read here.
The vote was 69-47 with one Democrat voting for the bill. The following Representatives voted for the bill. Allison, Atkinson*, Bailey, Ballentine, Bannister, Bennett, Bradley, Brittain, Burns, Carter, Caskey, Chumley, Collins, B. Cox, W. Cox, Crawford, Dabney, Davis, Elliott, Forrest, Fry, Gagnon, Gilliam, Haddon, Hardee, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hill, Hiott, Huggins, Hyde, J. E. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kimmons, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Magnuson, Martin, May, McCabe, McCravy, McGarry, McGinnis, T. Moore, Morgan, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Murphy, B. Newton, W. Newton, Nutt, Oremus, Sandifer, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, M. M. Smith, Stringer, Taylor, Thayer, Trantham, West, White, Whitmire, Willis, Wooten, & Yow.
* = Democrat
Contact these Reps to thank them for supporting this bill! https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?chamber=H
So, what's next? H3096 will receive a third reading then it will get sent to the Senate for consideration. It will have to make its way through the Senate process. At first reading, it will get referred to the Judiciary Committee. Judiciary will refer it to a subcommittee. The subcommittee will have to review it and for it to progress, it will have to have a favorable vote from the subcommittee and will go back to the full Judiciary for consideration. If it gets a favorable vote from the full Judiciary Committee, it will go to the full Senate for a second reading and debate. IF the Senate President schedules to takes it up for the 2nd reading expect a ton of amendments to be debated.
If at any point, the Senate changes the bill AT ALL from what the House sent to the Senate, it then has to go BACK to the House for consideration. Depending on whether or not the House agrees with the changes it's either ratified or starts an official process to try to reconcile the differences. Here is the flow chart for how a bill becomes an Act (law) in South Carolina.
Once the bill is agreed to by BOTH chambers of the legislature, then it's ratified and sent to the Governor for signature. At that point, it becomes law and will go into effect as designated in the bill.
There are a LOT of moving pieces with both 3094 and 3096 in play, but don't expect anything on either of these until after the crossover deadline. However, don't expect to see movement on EITHER of these if you don't put pressure on Luke Rankin, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee because he doesn't really want to take up either of these bills...and it's completely up to him on whether or not these move forward. So, contact him...via phone and email.