
Before Expanding Gun Laws, There’s Much To Consider

With the recent efforts in Washington D.C. to introduce new gun laws in the US, it’s important that all Americans be aware of the facts concerning the current gun laws in the United States. BACKGROUND CHECKS 18 U.S. Code § 922 covers just a portion of the Federal Firearms Regulations. Included in this section of… Read more »

Buffalo & Uvalde

SC Carry is extremely saddened and dismayed by the recent events in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas. This is an emotional time for all of us because we all recognize evil when we see it and these events can be described no other way. Although many politicians will take this opportunity to seek more… Read more »

Social Media Platform Alternatives

Most of you have been following the events of the past week. The fallout from the social media platforms has been unprecedented. Although South Carolina Carry focuses on the 2nd Amendment, we believe all of the Amendments are important. Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon are private companies (not owned by the government) and not subject to… Read more »

Constitutional Rights and COVID-19

In light of the recent activities occurring surrounding the Corona Virus outbreak in 2020, I’ve found myself thinking quite a bit about my rights as an American under the US Constitution. Although my self-education on The Federalist Papers and the events surrounding the development of our Constitution is somewhat limited I have still arrived at… Read more »

Who needs an AR-15?

You and I want the same things: Safety, freedom, prosperity, peace, and liberty. We may disagree about how to reach those goals, how they are prioritized, and even what they look like.  You ask, “Who ‘needs’ an AR-15?” I do. I need an AR-15 because you will not be made safe by leaving me defenseless…. Read more »