Call to Action

2nd Amendment rally in Washington DC

The 2nd Amendment rally took place in Washington DC this weekend. I was not able to attend but from what I have heard several 2A supporters with over 30 speakers did show up. There were two resounding themes that were repeated by several speakers. “We are the gun lobby” “I will not comply” Someone posted… Read more »

2nd Amendment Rally in DC November 2nd

A national rally in Washington, D.C. is scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 1 PM in front of the United States Capitol Building. Here is more information about the rally. Several South Carolina Carry members are planning to rent one or more 15 passenger vans to drive up the night before, splitting the… Read more »

A notice to Publix

The following is a form letter that was created by one of our board of directors. Different merchants like Publix have decided to voice their opinions about our having the ability to protect ourselves when we shop in their stores. If they do not support the 2A liberties afforded to us by the bill of… Read more »

Easy Volunteer Opportunities!

South Carolina Carry is a non-profit VOLUNTEER organization. We need your help to keep things moving along and get information out. We could use help from our membership in several ways. Write original content for our blog & newsletter. (You must be logged in to the web site under your membership account in order to… Read more »