South Carolina bill H3094, known as the Open Carry With Training Act, has received the first reading in the South Carolina Senate and has been sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Now is the time to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and the Chairman, Luke Rankin, to express your support for this bill. It's not a perfect bill, but it would give South Carolinians with a Concealed Weapons Permit the CHOICE of whether to carry their concealable firearm concealed or openly.
We believe the CHOICE of how to carry your self-defense firearm should be YOUR choice based on your comfort level and situation, not the government's.
Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee members now!
This is typically where most 2A friendly bills go to die. Everyone reading this should be contacting the Senate Judiciary committee members now. I can guarantee you Moms Demand Action will be filling up their inboxes and flooding their voice mail. The time for action is NOW!!