The South Carolina Senate Judiciary Subcommittee will be discussing SC 109 (one of the Constitutional Carry bills) on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 1 PM in the Gressette Building, Room 308. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/agendas/125s13189.pdf
This is NOT the same Constitutional Carry bill that passed the House! I'm not sure what type of bull Judiciary Committee Chairman Luke Rankin is apparently trying to pull, but even if 109 makes it through the Senate, it might not make the crossover date to be taken up by the House.
Regardless of what he's trying to pull, if you can, please attend this meeting! Mom's Demand Action/Everytown For Gun Safety (the anti-gun Bloomberg groups) are going to be out in force, so we need our side represented as well. I don't know if they'll be taking public comments, but if they do it'll be limited (probably 2 minutes), so have what you'd like to say prepared ahead of time.
I love what you guys do for fun rights in SC! You’re all fantastic. However, your website designer needs to be fired. The constant hanging menu at the top cuts off half the page and is frustrating and #%@&
I agree, I know that this is a volunteer organization
The access to its text is lacking and has been.
If you know of a website coder who would be willing to donate source code to turn the menu bar into a mobile responsive version, we’d be happy to speak with them. As stated, we are an all volunteer organization and our funds are extremely limited.
We have RINO’s in our senate and they are doing what they have done in the past. Holding things up till it is to late to vote on them.
Post these RINO senator contact information so we can comment to them.
The anti-constitutionalist strike again. But I will strike on voting day 2024. I’m voting against Sen Bennett!! They pass it out of committee with two days before the end of the 2023 legislative session!! Dirt bags!!